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When we think about Search & Rescue for pour own specific area, it’s easy to dive straight into the rescue phase.

Let’s just pause for a second & have a quick recap on the JESIP (Joint Emergency Service Interoperability Programme) model.

JESIP models and principles have become the standard for interoperability in the UK.

The JESIP Joint Doctrine: the interoperability framework sets out a standard approach to multi-agency working, along with training and awareness products for responding organisations to train their staff.

This model is frequently considered for large scale multi agency incidents; however, it works just as well for single team, small scale rescues, searches & recoveries.

Consider your last incident or training session, as a team did you do the following?

Co-locate (get to the incident area)

Communicate (gather the information to develop a plan)

Co-ordinate (who’s in control, roles & responsibilities)

Everyone jointly understands the risks (briefing, training, preplanning)

Shared situational awareness (does everyone know what’s going on?)


This is the JESIP model, it’s a great simple check list for large- & small-scale incidents.


The JESIP website is a fantastic resource for information, training resources & multi agency awareness.

The website is worth a visit or revisiting, there’s some great templates and links to shared documents &, of cause, there’s an App! 

One of my most frequently used parts of the App is how to change channels on different Police radios, you think each set is the same, then you get something completely different, quick look in the app under communications & there’s the user instructions!

Next time you run a Search & Rescue training session, just stop for a second & consider how many of these headings play an important role in the whole operation.

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